
Karin teaches courses in Biomedical Engineering (BME) and Engineering Education Research (EER) at the University of Michigan.

Current Courses

Click on the course name below to learn more about each class.

ENGR 100, Section 520: Engineering Wellness (fall) (2023 – present)

Course Website

Course Profile (ATLAS)

Engineering 100 (ENGR100) serves as a first-year student’s introduction to engineering. This BME-based version of the course is focused on wellness, allowing students to explore research and technologies that support both psychological health and physical health. By working with a commercial, wearable biosensor, students develop hands-on skills in engineering design and technical communications.

This novel course has been designed and developed by our team of wellness instructors (Dr.’s Fatima Albrehi, Robin Fowler, Karin Jensen, and graduate student Eileen Johnson).

EER 602: Theoretical and Coneptual Frameworks for Engineering Education Research (winter) (2024 – present)

Course Profile (ATLAS)

This course offers an in-depth examination of theories from education, psychology, and other disciplines that are relevant to EER. Learning focuses on how the theories apply to EER, how they can guide research, and how they advance knowledge and practice.

Previous Courses

University of Michigan

ENGR 100, Section 500: Intro to Engineering, Biotechnology and Human Values (fall) (2022)

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

BIOE 202: Cell and Tissue Engineering Lab (fall and spring) (2015-2022)

BIOE 120: Introduction to Bioengineering (non-majors section) (fall)

BIOE 199FCR: Frontiers in Cancer Research (Cancer Scholars Program) (2016-2018)

BIOE 298HIT: Healthcare Innovation and Translation (Cancer Scholars Program) (2016-2018)

ENG 198RSC: iEFX Research (2016-2018)

ENG 198: Undergraduate Research Lab Safety (biological safety instruction) (2016-2017)

BIOE 120: Introduction to Bioengineering (majors) (2015)

BIOE 360: Transport and Flow in Bioengineering (spring 2018-2021)

Course Resources

I am happy to share resources and course materials that I have developed for my courses and welcome the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues on designing innovative course materials and pedagogical studies. Please contact me if you are interested!